Sufficient and Precise Grace

Being a girl who has a history with messy and toxic relationships, some direct and some indirect, makes for an interesting dynamic in my relationships today and has afforded me unprecedented opportunities for growth.

This sacred but challenging journey of mine has been filled with intrusive thoughts, layers of toxic mindsets and rooted beliefs that do not align with who God is and who I am in Christ. Can you relate?

Throughout the past, the things that the enemy spoke to my vulnerable and broken self became MY truth about myself and others even though they were NOT true. I embraced the lies instead of taking them captive.

The hard-wired ruts in my mind that formed over the span of many years mixed in with survival, protection and coping mechanisms have been extremely hard to maneuver and break free from. BUT God!

Over the last few years, there has been a shifting or should I say “sifting” happening in my life. Because I am now in a safe place, surrounded by those who love me with the unselfish love of Christ, many of those mindsets have surfaced and the healing has begun.

In 2018, I was at a good place emotionally and spiritually thanks to God and precious mentors that He placed in my life. I had wrestled through and experienced much healing from obvious pain and grief that divorce demands.

It was at that time that God brought a special man into my life and the lives of my children. He soon became part of our redemption story. I knew God was creating beauty from the pile of ashes and my heart was full of much gratitude and awe.

However, as I soon realized, being remarried brought previous survival-mode mindsets to the surface that had been buried deep in my soul. Yes, God rescued me from Egypt physically but mentally I was still bound in some ways by my old ways of coping. Even though those old mind sets served me well in the past, they became hindrances to the new thing God was doing in my life.

Today, I am experiencing breakthroughs and strongholds from the past are being broken. God is so good and gracious that way. I have experienced His gentleness and patience as each unhealthy layer has been exposed, brought to light, wrestled with and healed. It has not at all been easy. It has taken much painful work through counseling, coaching, searching, and surrendering the wounded parts of myself to Jesus. I have had great progress along with numerous setbacks.

There were MANY days that I cried out to God to heal my heart and mind from the past. I wanted a quick fix and an easy solution. I was so willing. I remember pleading with God, “Just give me the three steps Lord, and I will do them. Whatever it takes!” I so desperately wanted freedom.

I quickly became discouraged each time an opportunity presented itself and instead of walking in truth, I once again filtered my present through my rearview mirror. It was hard on my mental health as well as my marriage. I am abundantly thankful that I was gifted with the patience and grace of Jesus through my dear husband. Experiencing that kind of love has wrecked me in a good way more times than I can count.

Throughout these seasons, I finally came to realize that God wanted my obedience MORE than he wanted to give me a quick fix.

The beauty of walking with Jesus in obedience as He exposes each false belief has been much more valuable than any quick fix.

Freedom comes with a high price. Jesus paid that price for us and He gives each of us the opportunity to experience freedom and the process of transformation as He creates beauty from our ashes. I have had numerous opportunities and I am quite aware that there will be more this side of Heaven.

Each opportunity and each new layer exposed is God’s reveal to heal and to allow me to experience His unending love as I choose to walk with Him through the NEW thing He desires to do in me and through me. It’s incredibly hard, it’s definitely messy but filled with so much grace and beauty.

Friend, if you like me, have had some past trauma, habitual betrayal and heartbreak after heartbreak, I have a word of encouragement for you.

Please, by all means, go to counseling, receive coaching, sit with mentors who will speak truth into your life, pray for healing, believe for healing and do whatever else God leads you to do. He is working even when you can’t see it.

Know this; your struggle does not define you nor disqualify you. The truth is, your healing may not come the way you think it will. Therefore, don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up even when you have checked all of your boxes and STILL, you struggle! Don’t quit. . . trust God. He knows what He is doing! There is purpose in all of it!

I want to share with you what I feel the Lord showed me that is so simple yet has inspired me hugely.

Not long ago, my husband and I watched an interesting movie about the apostle Paul. Although we are not told specifically what Paul’s thorn in the flesh was (not asking for a debate here), The depiction of the scripture below had a profound impact upon my messy heart.

2 Corinthians 12:7-9  To keep me grounded and stop me from becoming too high and mighty due to the extraordinary character of these revelations, I was given a thorn in the flesh—a nagging nuisance of Satan, a messenger to plague me! I begged the Lord three times to liberate me from its anguish;  and finally He said to me, “My grace is enough to cover and sustain you. My power is made perfect in weakness.” 

The screenwriters took liberty with the way in which they conveyed Paul’s thorn in the flesh. As Paul was quoting this scripture the scene went quickly to thoughts that Paul was having. Images of his past were relentlessly tormenting him. He saw the many faces, young and old, of those whom he had martyred. He could hardly bare it; the eyes of the innocent, the fear in their faces, their pleadings for mercy. These flashbacks caused Paul much anguish and grief.

So how can we relate to this today?

How many of us are tormented by some element, trigger, event, regret, trauma or pain from our past? The Word of God actually describes Paul’s thorn as a messenger of satan sent to plague him. Some versions of the bible say to torment him.

Our past can certainly bring all kinds of torment to us, right?

Paul prayed and pleaded with God for this torment to be removed. God definitely heard and answered his prayer but not in the way Paul wanted. God’s ways are so much higher than ours. Instead of removing Paul’s thorn, God provided a way for Paul to overcome it; His beautiful grace.

How does this apply to you and me? Instead of God removing or healing us of all of our places of weakness on our terms and in our timing, could it be that He wants to teach us some valuable lessons about His grace in sustaining us and empowering us IN the midst of our weaknesses?

Today, I still have my moments of struggle but I no longer loath them nor do I beg God to remove them, at least not like I did in the past. My prayers have changed. God is equipping me with His sustaining, efficient and precise grace. He is teaching me about warfare and what it looks like to do the heart work and to walk by faith in obedience to what He has called me to.

The truth is, God has equipped us all as his sons and daughters to live a life of Godliness and faith.

Hebrews 13:20-21 Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord, equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

God has given us all we need but We have to CHOOSE to walk out this life crucifying our flesh and walking by the spirit.

Our spirit was made new when we surrendered our lives to the Lordship of Jesus BUT our flesh is a piece of work that needs transformation to align with our spirit.

God teaches, trains, empowers and transforms us by His spirit and by His Word. We GET to learn how to stand firm in our faith, how to resist the enemy, how to fight the good fight of faith AND how to use the weapons he has so graciously given to us to overcome.

As we grow, we learn valuable lessons regarding the faithfulness of our God.

As we stubbornly choose obedience to God and His ways over our own methods, our life changes.

As we surrender our messy selves to Him, we understand more clearly that God’s grace IS sufficient, precise AND truly enough, no matter the struggle!  

The Ugly, The Messy and The Beautiful!

Are you at a messy place right now and your mind wonders if God really does redeem our stories?  Not just when we enter our heavenly home but here and now, this side of heaven?

Maybe you have found yourself on a detour that you never saw coming.  Maybe this very moment you are facing  some unwanted, ugly, painful and unintended parts of your story that have left you wailing on the carpet desperate for God’s intervention.

Friend, can I encourage you to pause for a moment?   Please.  Hit the hold button. Take a break from  your tears, your questions, your doubts and simply let these words take a hold of your heart.

Our. God. Is. Faithful. Always. 

Even now! Yes, even in THIS season, THIS heartbreak, THIS loss, THIS pain.

How can I proclaim this so boldly and confidently? Because I have walked through unwanted chapters in my own life and am now reaping the beauty that God brings as the pages turn.

I am cheering YOU forward. You are not alone!

God has not only redeemed my story but abundantly given me more than I could ask or imagine. Did I say it’s been easy? NO! Did I say the struggles are gone? Absolutely NOT! What I AM saying is that God has brought beauty from the ashes and the brokenness that this messy girl had lived with for so long.

I don’t say this out of pride or arrogance or with a  “look at me now”  mentality….I am sharing this to give YOU a shot of hope. Because  not so long ago, I was on the carpet completely  shattered  and struggling, just like YOU!

Broken, wounded, stressed to the hilt, and ever so desperate.  It wasn’t just one hard thing but many painful things that left me with uncontrollable eye twitches and itchy stress rashes.  Yes, there is such a thing, ugh!

I will not go into details.  After all, I know what you would do. You would do the the same thing that most of us do.  Your kneejerk reaction would  entice you to compare your story to mine and then you would miss the whole point.

What I can tell you is that the above picture represents so much more than a wedding day…but a rescue;  A day when God boldly declared to my heart  that He is well able to redeem and take what the enemy meant to destroy me and my family and make it into something more precious than I could have ever imagined.

It represents the answer to countless prayers prayed by many that I did not even know were praying for me and my family at the time.   You see, it wasn’t just my victory in Jesus but other’s victory and testimony, too!  Those who God divinely surrounded us with who stood in the gap.  Those who loved me, supported me, believed in me and more importantly those with faith-filled hearts who believed that God had GOOD plans for us in spite of how it looked then.  My heart is so thankful.

This is why I am here, to tell YOU that GOD is not finished with YOUR story!

God DOES redeem, my friend! He takes the messy, the ugly, and the broken parts of our stories and creates beauty from the all the ashes.

Remember this; whatever chapter you are in, whatever your life looks like this very moment will soon pass. It is only for a season.  Life will not always be this hard, nor this painful.

You are on the pathway, detours and all,  to greater joy and intimacy with Christ than you have ever known.

It’s okay if you can’t see that right now because God sees it! His plans for YOU are good! When you can’t see clearly and everything around you is falling apart remember, your God IS faithful. That is ALL you need to know.  That’s enough. Jesus is enough.

Stay on the carpet until your knees burn and ugly cry your way through but don’t EVER stop the wrestling.

With God, your waiting time is NOT wasted time…He is creating room in you for the beauty that is yet to come!

Friend, stubbornly hold on to your faith as you hold on to your God.   Follow hard after him…stay obedient no matter what your feelings tell you. Expect God to move! 

One day,  you will see clearly that He never left you even in your darkest moments.  He was cutting away the lies from the past to make room for a NEW season, a NEW beginning that could not compare to anything you have experienced before.

Believe it!

Hebrews 10:23 (ESV) “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful”.

When Standing by Your Man Harms Your Heart

I have had lots of thought lately with regards to what it looks like to be a follower of Christ, specifically, a woman of God in a toxic marriage… only because I lived in one for so long. My heart hurts when I think about the many Jesus-loving sisters who share a similar journey. Thank the Lord that my story is now being rewritten and I no longer am living that life. God’s grace rescued me and rerouted my journey and now I am married to a man who shows me what it’s like to be loved as God intended. It’s not perfect as we are not perfect. We both have messy stories from our past. We both have scars. We both have had our walls. But God!! When our stories collided the walls began coming down and a new story began. It’s a story formed and being written by God’s incredible grace and I truly am amazed. I am thankful for my past – not because of the pain – but because of what I learned in the midst of it. I have gleaned some wisdom and see things much differently then I once did. So please bear with me as I try to put into words my thoughts as of late.

I have heard comments like, “She was such a good woman, she put up with so much from him!” referring to her alcoholic and cheating husband.  Women have been deemed as somewhat heroes when spoken of with regards to standing by their man as he cheated, lied, and lived a life that not only dishonored the covenant of marriage but dishonored his wife with reckless living.  Some of these women have been blessed with the fruit of their enduring stance…their prayers were answered and their marriage and hearts have been beautifully made new and whole by the redemptive power of Christ.  BUT for some, that has not been the case…not even close.

Remember this song?

Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman
Givin’ all your love to just one man
You’ll have bad times and he’ll have good times
Doing things that you don’t understand
But if you love him you’ll forgive him
Even though he’s hard to understand

And if you love him
Oh be proud of him
Cause after all he’s just a man

This song is similar to what my mom and countless others grew up believing (okay, maybe in part, I need to include myself in this…ugh!). This is what many were taught to do and how to live as a wife. I can tell you without a doubt that there have been so many wounded hearts and mentally scarred wives for having believed this way. Though this is not by any means labeled a “Christian” song, the Christian community embraces this kind of thinking and even MORE so. After-all, God HATES divorce! An underlying belief is that as a “Christian” wife, you stay with your man at all costs. He is deemed the leader of the home and you submit no matter what. He can lie, cheat, be a drunk, choose porn, frequent sex chat rooms, be abusive and more….but still, your calling in life is to win him over by your sweet and quiet spirit. Just pray more, read your Bible more, have dinner ready when he comes home, make yourself sexually available to him 24/7 AND have faith that one day he will turn his life around. You may separate from him if your life is in danger but don’t EVER entertain the idea of the “D” word. That is the unforgivable sin. As long as he wants to be your husband, then so be it. After all, he’s just a man. Part of your holy calling is to continually show him the love of Christ, even when you become aware of him habitually making a mockery of your marriage vows with reckless ways and lifestyle choices that wound your heart. You will be okay! Your heart matters but only to the degree that you sacrifice yourself at the mercy of his choices because after all, he’s just a man. Suck it up, cry those tears but hang in there. While he lives a double life behind closed doors don’t dare disrespect him by revealing truth to those who only see his mask. Keep his secrets and just tell Jesus. That’s respect and that is what you are called to give him.

AND before I get off this rant…… if your husband happens to be a Pastor or involved in some sort of leadership role within the church, just grin and bear it, sister.  YOU would be the one to bring shame upon your family AND the church, should you reach out for help…YOU not him.  No one would believe you anyway!  Not him? Your words certainly would not line up with the way others see him in public, right? UGH!!!!

Oh, sweet sisters…..This. Is. SO. Messed. Up. Some of this may sound extreme but the harsh truth is…so much of it is true, even if nobody wants to admit it.

Let’s be real. The above picture of marriage is NOT the way our God created marriage to be. How in the world did we ever come this far as to put marriage on such a pedestal that the marriage itself is of more value than the hearts involved? Does the husband not have any responsibility? Of course he does. Read the Word. ALL the Word! Not just the parts about the wife being submissive. That ONE SCRIPTURE has been used and abused in so many ways. It is time the church rises up and protects God’s beloved daughters instead of telling them what THEY must do differently, then sending them back home to appease and enable the toxic, addictive and hurtful behaviors of their husband. It’s time for my sisters in Christ to rise up from their ashes and reclaim their strength and dignity as abundantly loved and cherished daughters of God Almighty! It’s time for our own daughters to be told and taught truth about boundaries and their value and worth in Christ. It’s time for those who have been in a toxic relationship to rise up and be a VOICE for righteousness and Holiness as we hold out HOPE for our wounded sisters.

IF you are currently living in a toxic marriage, by all means find a trusted confidant/counselor/pastor whom you can talk to. Do NOT allow your husband’s ongoing and hurtful secrets to become your secrets. You will become a shell of a woman in doing so. As a wife, you are called to be your husband’s helper; NOT his doormat. You were created by God Almighty. You are chosen, valued and treasured….so much so that Jesus died for YOU! If you are frequently being treated less than this, please realize this is NOT how God ordained marriage to be.

I know you are very familiar with the Scripture about wives being submissive to their husband’s but go BACK and read the verses that follow. Your husband is commanded to love YOU the way Christ loves the church. What does this look like? I am not saying he will be perfect but what I am saying is if your heart is wounded and broken by the same behavior and betrayal over and over again…you are in a toxic relationship and your marriage is NOT as God intended it to be. Get help, my friend. Do not overlook, deny, or enable. Rise up and show love to the man you married by holding him accountable to Truth. There is NO benefit in carrying on with life behind a mask and covering up his “stuff” in the name of pride, fear or even love. You must have boundaries if your man is habitually dishonoring you and the vows He made to you. I am NOT talking about a man who is repentant and taking full responsibility by working through and owning his stuff but is still struggling. I am no way condoning divorce nor am I encouraging it. What I am saying is do all that YOU can do to stop this destructive cycle. Don’t believe that if you just keep hoping for change that change will happen. Don’t believe that your “calling” is to simply love away your husband’s habitual, addictive and hurtful behaviors. It won’t work! That kind of love only enables his lifestyle of betrayal. You need to be brave and decide that this is NOT God’s best for you, your husband or your family! God WILL show you things and reveal things to you as you humbly keep your eyes on HIM. He will give you wisdom when you ask for it! If your husband has narcissistic tendencies, please read up on this and become educated on how to handle this type of personality.

Maybe you feel trapped? Stuck? You have the ability to change this but first you have to get fear out of the way. With an open heart, ask God to show you what you should do, then do it. I will ask you the same question that was asked to me…if not now, when? Just in case you didn’t catch it the first time….YOU ARE VALUED, YOU ARE CHOSEN, YOU MATTER! Maybe today is the day you embrace TRUTH and really hear what God is speaking to your heart. HE LOVES YOU and has GOOD plans for YOU no matter what lies have become your truth and painfully comfortable. YOU can’t be your husband’s savior nor the hero of your story. Only GOD can change hearts! Your husband needs a divine encounter with the ONE who died to free him. Just maybe it’s time for YOU to be brave, execute boundaries and get out the way so that God can do what only God can do. Truth WILL BE revealed as you give God a chance to work! I promise you this…no matter what is revealed, HE STILL HAS PLANS THAT ARE GOOD FOR YOU!! They just may not look like what you thought they would but nonetheless, they will be undeniably beautiful and full of His amazing, extravagant grace! Believe it, sweet sister!

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Ephesians 5:21-32